Wednesday 29 October 2014

About environment

Hi! About take care of environment I must say that I think this is a very important topic and we need to worry about it. 
Sincerely I don't know very much about this topic, so I’m not sure about where we can learn about this. Maybe here in our university there are some places where people takes care about the environment and animals, but outside I don’t know any place.

Recently I have changed my habits, I think sometimes we forget that if we want to drink water, we need clean water or if we want to go running, we need clean air to breathe so now I think more about it. About my behavior in this topic I can say that I often throw away the bin in a trash can, but I need to learn more about daily things like how much water I spend on day. This is a topic that I must improve. Now, about my ways of transport I usually walk, I don’t have a bike so I can’t ride any bike. For came to university I take the bus because is very far to walk, but when I lived in Arica I sometimes walked to the school.

Today I don’t participate in any eco-organization because I´m not informed and I don’t have enough time to have a serious participation in anyone. But I would like to give information in places where there isn’t it. I remember two years ago in my school, an eco-organization took us to paint and clean touristic zones of Arica. This is one of the few things that I have done to reduce the carbon footprint.

About our society I think all people are worried in their own problems so a big part of all people don’t care the environment. Now, in some schools teachers are teaching more about the environment and I think it is very important because at least few children will learn and take consciousness.  

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