What do I do on internet?
I usually use internet every day but I don’t
have any favorite web. I often spend my time on Facebook, chatting with my
friends and, sometimes, my family. I don’t use Facebook only to chat, I also use
it to read some news on newspapers Facebook’s profiles like “La Estrella de
Arica’’ or visit some profiles of others information’s sources like radios or
web pages.
YouTube is another web page that I often visit
because I like use it to find some songs that I can’t find on others sites. It’s
also funny because you can find the song’s videos.
On YouTube I also can find some interesting videos documentaries or funny
videos when I have a lot of free time.

Sometimes, when I can’t find any song on
YouTube I search it on Soundcloud, where sometimes, I also can download it, but
is more difficult because you must know the name of the username who upload the
About others pages that I visit regularly I can mention Google to search information about some useful books or writers to study.