Friday, 9 May 2014



Hello! Today I will presentate my topic for the next presentation on Friday. It will be about how the sport has a relationship with the society. I chose it because I really like sports and I’m interested in the phenomenom that it produce in the people who is a fan of sports.
Sport is present in the society since a lot of time. There are differents topics that I could talk. In my presentation I will include the relationship between sports and society, and later, I will talk about some things that I think are interesting about the topic, like the relationship between the coach/manager and athlete/player.  

I also will talk about the people who go to see the sport event, how latin american people feel the sport and that it is not so different from other places like in England with hooligans.
For example: In Chile and especially Argentina, fans of some footballs club have a singular behavior, we can see it regulary in the news when some group of fans fight before or after a match.